By:Rakesh Koti
This was Naandi when we first acquired the land:
This is how it is now
Antharam, Kandawada & Damaragidda are going to turn from barren lands to biodiverse environments. The process has already started.
Biodiversity includes plants, insects, animals and more importantly, microbial life. There are a few things that must happen to achieve this
- Plenty of areas away from human contact (Spaces for small insects to thrive)
- Spaces that are not manicured (Spaces for animals to thrive)
- Mix of shrubs and trees (Spaces for insects to thrive)
- Wild native plants (Places where cross-species symbiosis happens)
- Places that have shadows and rocks (nooks for animals to take shelter)
- Compost heaps and piles of decaying organic matter (rich space for smaller animals to thrive)
- Water sources (frogs, toads, fish, birds)
- Mature trees (birds)
- Flowering plants (pollinators)
- No synthetic pesticides and concentrated chemicals (for the health of microbes in the soil)
All these spaces are created in eco-habitats to ensure biodiversity has places to thrive.