Every home generates both organic and inorganic waste and managing this waste on a daily basis calls for some planning as collection and disposal are integral parts of its management. Waste poses a threat to public health and the environment if it is not stored, collected, and disposed of properly. The perception of waste as an unwanted material with no intrinsic value has dominated attitudes towards disposal. But waste segregation and repurposing of the wastes is slowly turning heads towards it considering the benefits of it.
One significant benefit of waste management is the fact that you can recycle the material and use it in different ways. What this means is that, when the waste is recycled for more uses, the same garbage won’t need to be taken from the environment to make the same product again. But recycling has to be done carefully to ensure that the toxic chemicals are filtered using liners and it doesn’t enter into the ground.
Keeping these in consideration, at Organo, nothing goes waste. Not even leftover food or animal waste. Waste management is a specialised area that is handled with utmost planning, care and responsibility by every individual in Organo Naandi. Here's what goes into the process:
Wet waste
Wet Waste from the entire community and animal waste from the animal husbandry is collected and used for power from the biogas plant.
Dry Waste
Dry Waste is segregated, stored at a common point and is being given to the recycler. Other wastes like e-waste, Hazardous waste and sanitary waste are deposited at specific locations and handed over to the vendor for safe disposal.
Biogas plant
A 2-tonne capacity Bio Gas plant is located behind the entrance pavilion which is connected to 24 KW Bio Generator which can provide power up to 8 hours. Residual Manure is collected and used for plants.
Garden Waste
Garden waste is mainly used for mulching and composting in the farms