Jyotsna Damera
I love everything about Organo. We had a whole lot of family visiting us during the housewarming and after. And everyone had only good things to say about our new home at Naandi that we moved into six months ago. My brother-in-law, said, “what more could one possibly want!”
There is no doubt that I love this place immensely. How ever, there is one thing that I miss my city apartment for and that is the absence of a hundred little creatures around! I am not used to having insects and little creepy crawlies come inside the house. So that is something that I am still getting used to. I am not exactly afraid of them but somewhat apprehensive about having them all around. However, I am sure, I will get used to it overtime.
My husband keeps telling me that we are, in fact, living in their space. So it is only obvious that they would find their way into our homes too. It is a matter of accepting this and enjoying it, eventually. Having decided to adopt a lifestyle that is all about living in the midst of nature, this is only a minor adjustment that I am having to make on a daily basis.
I suppose, it has to do with me as a person and expanding my comfort zone just a little bit. I am looking forward to the time when I will be far more comfortable with having the dozens of little creatures around.